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Sharing Food, Growing Community

Salt Spring Food Share

Join the Salt Spring Food Share and help build a culture of food sharing, contribute to food security and reduce food waste on the island.

Join Us

Weekly Food Exchange


Starting July 7th, come to The Root every Sunday from 2-3pm, to exchange home-grown and home-made foods. Share your abundance and be part of the growing community!​


Stop by to swap and share your garden extras, and stick around if you want to participate in sharing circles where growing knowledge and project ideas are exchanged.  


Group Harvests​


Our fruit picking program is designed to reduce food waste and support local communities by collecting surplus produce from farms, orchards, and gardens. Volunteers harvest fruits that would otherwise go unpicked, distributing them to our volunteers, the tree owners, and our community partners who address food insecurity across the island.


Join us if you want to help harvest - or volunteer your tree(s) for us to harvest.


Produce Donation Drop-off


Support Salt Spring’s food security by donating excess fresh garden produce at the Sunday Food Exchange, or Mondays from 11am-1pm and Tuesdays from 6-7pm. We distribute donated food to our community partners, including the Food Bank.​

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Our mission is to increase the amount of local food grown and eaten on our island. What a great place to start- making sure the food already grown here is distributed and shared! 


An island resilient enough to feed itself no matter what comes- ferry delays, erratic weather- we've got each other covered! A community empowered to develop networks of food exchange and awareness of where the food is growing, and where it needs to go.

Sign up for updates!

​Subscribe to our e-newsletter for the latest news, announcements, growing tips, farm stories, events and more.

Thanks for signing up!

Contact Us

SSI Farmland Trust

189 Beddis Road

Salt Spring Island, BC

V8K 2J2

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© 2024 Salt Spring Island Farmland Trust

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